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Coffee Ethiopia “Yirgacheffe” bag of 250 g, whole bean


Origin and Plantation
This cultivation area is located in the cradle of coffee, in Yirgacheffe in southern Ethiopia. Before they are harvested, the coffee cherries grow on various coffee farms at an altitude of around 1.500 - 2.100 m above sea level. After washing, the beans are carefully sorted, as only the best qualities find their way into this regional blend.

Character and Taste
The Yirgacheffe region is known for explosively aromatic coffees, which retain a light, elegant body despite their full citrus and floral flavours. Our Yirgacheffe is no exception. It impresses with a fine chocolate note which wonderfully rounds off the cup.

Ethiopia is the country of birth of coffee. In some regions, coffee is only available washed, in other regions, it is only offered unwashed. There are, however, also areas where both types are offered. The differing processing methods reflect the diversity of taste. A special focus should be put on the quality of the coffees, which may vary significantly from one sample to the next.

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