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Organic Honeybusch tea, 50g


Just like Rooibos, Honeybush was discovered in South Africa in the 18th Century. The Honeybush shrub owes its name to its characteristic appearance. The blossoms are bright yellow with a scent of honey, whereas the leaves are somewhat rougher than those of Rooibos. The South Africans also call it “vegetable bush”, due to its pod-shaped fruits and knobbly roots. The wild growing plants thrive exclusively on small mountain ranges in the Longkloof District. In the 1990s it was re-discovered and is cultivated today for commercial purposes in 35 different locations. The infusion tastes pleasantly sweet and aromatic.

 8-10 minutes brewing time
 100 °C water temperature
 4-5 teaspoon per litre
Organic Honeybusch tea, pure

2 laos

Lisa soovinimekirja
Lisa soovinimekirja