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2008 Liming “Zao Chun Jia Ji” Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake, 357g


Liming Tea Factory is located in Menghai and specializes in both ripe and raw pu-erhs composed of Xishuangbanna tea leaves. This cake is a blend of several Bu Lang mountain villages' tea!

This is a blend of Menghai area spring harvested teas. Aged in Guangdong from 2008-12/2022, and then Kunming thereafter has given this tea a very interesting taste. It's well-aged and very smooth to drink but with still plenty of complexity, qi and a thick mouth-feel to boot! Liming has proved its raw pu-erh blends are high quality and age well.

357 grams per cake

1 laos

Lisa soovinimekirja
Lisa soovinimekirja